In the dismal days of this wintery weather where the daily "Feels like" temperature is often sub-zero with a chance of a snowy avalanche... one is inclined to throw on the standard not-so-pretty but practical shapeless furry boots. However, back in my college days I developed a love for wellies and realized that they were not only practical for rainy days trudging to class (and puddle hopping) but also for knee deep snow. My rain boots kept my feet out of the slush, they dry quickly and were resistant to the PINK salt that the City of Lake Forest seemed to love so much.. Yay no salt stains!! The printed, fluorescent days of wellies of our youth are well past us and now more sleek yet oh-so-pretty options are available. Not to mention a little bit more work & fashion friendly. Here are a few lovely choices...

Scholl Black Cord Wellington Buckle Boot at on sale for $49.50 (Orig. $99)

Sperry Top-Sider Women's Sadie Tall Rubber Boot at
Women's Schooled Fish Rain boots from
Target for only $24.99! Okay. I know those are printed albeit subtly... but how cute are those fishies!!!
... And if you think your feet won't be warm enough... invest in a cute and toasty pair of Wellie Warmers from
LL Bean for $19.95! Made from super soft fleece, they slide right inside of any wellies! Plus, they give them an extra English Countryside flair!

P.S.. HAPPY 2010 Everyone!!!
I need some of those socks and probably the pair with the fish. Right now I just wear black wellies that I got for $14.